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- Voyant for Text Analysis Demonstrates a number of ways to use Voyant to analyze text.
- Text Analysis of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Using Voyant/Text Analysis, Students investigate how various “witnesses” reported on and recorded the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911. Versions:
- Authorship Detection with Authors from Project Gutenberg A folders containing raw text files to use for Authorship detection.
- Moby Dick & Pride and Prejudice combined A concatenation of "Moby Dick" and "Pride and Prejudice"
- Using Annotation Studio to annotate a document A video tutorial of annotating documents in Annotation Studio
- A comparison of authors writing using text analysis Students write a report comparing the writing of two authors using word unigram and bigram analysis and submit a Jupyter Notebook showing the code used to extract the data used in the analysis. Versions:
- Fitting probability models for Author detection Using a custom python script and google colab, students extract word frequencies from raw text files on Project Gutenberg and analyze them in an attempt to identify an mystery author. Versions:
- Annotation Studio A suite of collaborative web-based annotation tools
- SPSS Software for performing statistical analyses
- Text analysis Find patterns and statistics about textual data.