Newspaper framing of separation of families at the United States border

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Students use text analysis to analyze how the separation of families at the U.S. border is framed in newspapers, then write a formal paper incorporating their analysis and supporting visualizations.


Students use Voyant to analyze the framing of news stories covering the separation of families at the U.S. border.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the assignment, students should demonstrate the ability to...

  1. complete original research using a large data set to...
  2. determine what news frames were used in high circulating U.S. newspapers to report on the separation of families at the United States border between the months of April 2018 and August 2018, as...
  3. a means of applying framing theory

This assignment assumes students can follow in-class instructions for using Voyant and accessing shared Google Drive folders and files. Students should also have an understanding of media framing theory prior to completing this assignment.

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CMM306 Social Impact of the Media, Fall 2018

fall 2018 (11)


This version of the assignment focused on news articles from April 2018–August 2018. To support students with this assignment, I employed in class instructions and workshops, the Tech Fellows, and one-on-one conferences. I also supplied model analyses using a sample dataset.

Outcome summary

For the most part. Students began to establish a connection between the framing of their group of news stories and the bigger picture of news reporting, shaping public opinion and types of news frames. I have to say our class discussions around this aspect of the project were insightful and indicated learning, however this was not always reflected in the written work. As an instructor who implemented this assignment for the first time, I have some good information that can be used in the future. The students learned Voyant quite easily so I believe I need less time scaffolding instruction on the platform. I would use more class time modeling and workshopping ways to approach the critical discussion of the data. Although I did this with a sample data set that I shared with the group, I think the sharing of my own analysis of this sample data set happened too early in the process. I would move this instruction so it happens later in the students’ progress.



From the web

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